Nian Peng (ed.), The Reshaping of China-Southeast Asia Relations in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic (Singapore: Springer Nature, 2021).
About this book
This book aims to examine the multiple effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on China-Southeast Asia relations from both Chinese and Southeast Asian perspectives. It invites many officials and scholars from the leading think-tanks and famous universities in China and Southeast Asian states to contribute and tries to reveal how has China-Southeast Asia relations been reshaping during/after the COVID-19 pandemic and discuss what kind of measures could be taken to push forward China-Southeast Asia relations and thus ensuring the peace and prosperity in the region.
The main content of the book is divided into ten parts. In the first parts, Nian Peng briefly introduced the Chinese and Southeast Asian perspectives on the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on China-Southeast Asia relations, and the main objective of this book. He also examined the dual influence of the pandemic on the construction of China-ASEAN community of a shared future, and gave some useful policy recommendations on improving China-ASEAN relations in Chap. 2.
Aaron Jed Rabena examined the Philippines’ response to the pandemic and the problems in government’s response, analyzed the net impact of the pandemic on the Philippines, and the economic and political influence of the pandemic on Philippines[1]China relations in Chap. 3.
Chandarith Neak and Sothearak Sok investigated the COVID-19 situation as well as its impact on Cambodia, and government’s anti[1]COVID measures, depicted Cambodia-China cooperation in fighting against the virus and Cambodian people’s perception on it, analyzed Cambodia’s response to the rising US-China strategic competition during the pandemic, and predicted the future directions of Cambodia-China Relations in Post-COVID era in Chap. 4.
Chee Leong Lee and Md Nasrudin Md Akhir examined Malaysia’s responses to the COVID-19 during the Movement Control Order (MCO) period, discussed the immediate impacts of COVID-19 on Malaysia-China relations, and predicted the prospect of the bilateral ties in the post-MCO period in Chap. 5.
Myint San focused on Myanmar’s response and emergency measures on dealing with the COVID-19, examined the economic impacts of the COVID-19 on Myanmar and Myanmar-China Relations in Chap. 6.
Tuan Khanh Nguyen and Nam Ti´ên Tr`ân carefully examined Vietnam’s anti[1]COVID measures, investigated Vietnam-China cooperation on fighting against the COVID-19, and reviewed Vietnam-China relations during the pandemic, especially Vietnam’s response to the fierce US-China power rivalry in Chap. 7.
Nisit Panthamit looked back the trade, investment and tourism cooperation between Thailand and
China, introduced Thailand’s response to the COVID-19, discussed about the China[1]Thailand Cooperation during the coronavirus pandemic, and analyzed how Thailand has managed their relations with the US and China under a sharply increasing US[1]China rivalry in Chap. 8.
Putri Rakhmadhani Nur Rimbawati introduced the COVID-19 situation in Indonesia and government regulations, examined the special role of social media during the pandemic in Indonesia, and analyzed Indonesia-China bilateral relationship amidst the pandemic in Chap. 9.
Xianbai Ji documented the on-going development of the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore and government anti-COVID measures, analyzed the economic toll of the COVID-19 on Singapore and Singapore’s fiscal injection to stabilize the economy, provided a general background of the political and economic relations between Singapore and China, and elaborated on Sino-Singaporean cooperation and mutual assistance in combating the COVID-19 in Chap. 10.
Editors and Affiliations
Nian Peng
Research Centre for SAARC States(RCSS), Hainan Normal University, Haikou, China
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